Fence & Pool Safety
When your residential fence is used as a barrier around swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, and other hazards, or to prevent unauthorized entry and trespassing, safety and security count. The following are some important safety features and considerations when having a fence installed. These are highlights; it is critical to contact your municipality to learns the codes which apply to your property. They vary by jurisdiction.
The fence should be hard-to-climb. Chain link fence with 1 1/4" diamond mesh is very difficult for children or trespassers to climb or cut. Plastic or aluminum slats on 2" mesh fences discourage climbing. Ornamental aluminum, steel, or vinyl picket fences have specific requirements determined by your municipality.
All gates should "open out". All access gates should open one way - out and away from swimming pools and other potential hazards, making it difficult for children to open.
High, hidden latches & locks. Latches should be fully lockable and located 48" or more above the ground on the pool side of the fence, out of the reach of children. Latches and locks outside the fence should be a minimum of 54" above the ground. We cannot stress enough how important it is to learn the specifications & requirements in your municipality.

Pool Safety
Properly securing pools is a must! American Fence & Flag offers a full range of residential safety fences and accessories to secure hazards while adding beauty and privacy to your property.
Every year, over 4,600 drownings and near-drownings occur in home pools. A properly constructed and installed residential safety fence is one way to reduce the risk of accidental drowning or injury in residential swimming pools. While nothing can replace parental supervision, a residential fence that complies with safety standards is important component of your plan to keep your pool safe especially for the protection of yours and neighbors children.
Perimeter safety around pools is especially important. Most localities require a minimum fence height around a swimming pool of 4' and have specific regulations concerning gates and fence materials. It is imperative to check with your local zoning/permit office concerning local ordinances regarding height and other requirements for your new pool fence.